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Creating Impact: New Visual Perspectives on the Climate Crisis

June 30, 2021
10:30–12:00PM EDT
A hawk takes flight in the ancient port city of Maydh, Somalia, which lays quiet and nearly abandoned, on July 20, 2016. Nichole Sobecki/VII

This symposium will explore three urgent questions about creating impactful communications on the climate crisis, in advance of the UN Climate Change Conference 2021 (COP26) to be held in Glasgow, Scotland starting 1 November:

  • How can visual images and stories impact the climate crisis agenda?
  • Are there new global voices and perspectives emerging?
  • How can images improve public engagement ahead of COP26?

Hosted by VII Insider, the symposium is a collaboration between Climate Visuals, University of the Arts London’s Photography and Arts Research Centre, Slideluck Editorial and the VII Foundation.

This hour-long event will also introduce the Climate Visuals programme, its evidence base  and preview submissions to ‘Visualizing Climate Change: An Open Call for Photography’, which is a partnership with TED Countdown.

The Open Call is accepting submissions until 30 June, and will distribute a total licensing fund of US $100,000 directly to photographers – professional and amateur – to build a diverse collection of  powerful images of climate solutions from around the world that cover five key themes: energy, transport, materials, food and nature. In the lead-up to COP26, this collection will  be open access to climate communicators and editorial media via the new Climate Visuals library.


Paul Lowe

Participants and Agenda:

Toby Smith, Climate Visuals

Introduction to Climate Visuals, its evidence base on impact, and the concept behind the ‘Visualizing Climate Change’ initiative

Maria Teresa Salvati, Slideluck Editorial

A personal selection from the Open Call highlighting new voices and perspectives on climate change

Nichole Sobecki, VII

Recent photographic work on the climate crisis

Moderated Q&A

This event was recorded and you can watch the video here