Equipment Options for Today’s Storytellers

From: March 29, 2015 @ 14:00 EDT
To: March 29, 2015 @ 17:00 EDT
The world’s leading photojournalists from VII Photo have teamed up with the technology specialists from AbelCine to present an immersive, two-day educational program: The VII Evolution Tour. This program examines the technology, craft and business practices of today’s successful visual storytellers. The event is structured as a combination of seminars, panel discussions, hands-on workshops, and networking.


This workshop is part of the second installment of the VII Evolution Tour. Taught by Jessica Dimmock and Jeff Lee (Training Manager, AbelCine) it will take place on March 29th from 2:00pm – 5:00pm in DC. The registration fee is $125.00 (student discount $99 with valid ID).


These days the equipment possibilities are endless, and as you transition to shooting video, it is hard to know where to begin. Making video can range from holding your DSLR in front of you to attaching cameras to stabilizing rigs. We will walk you through the equipment available to you and how to find the perfect marriage between the technical application of the gear and the creative vision you are hoping to achieve. We will also discuss the choices that go into sound recording – doing it on your own, using off camera audio recordings, or working with a sound guy (or girl). We will explore various set ups and how they will change how you operate in the field. During this workshop we will explore the individual equipment priorities for participants and help them develop the kit that is best suited for their needs.

This workshop pairs well with the morning workshop, Seeing Like a Photographer, Shooting Like a Videographer.

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