Implementing Adobe’s CAI Open-Source Tools for Digital Content Provenance: A Virtual Workshop

June 16, 2022
12:00–13:00PM EDT

Last year, VII Photo Agency partnered with the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) for a series of case studies demonstrating how photojournalists can combat misinformation through digital content provenance.

Adobe’s Content Authenticity Initiative is now releasing a suite of open-source tools to make it easy to integrate content provenance, based on the C2PA standard they helped create, into Web, desktop and mobile projects. 

Please join the CAI team on June 16 at 12PM EDT for an in-depth workshop exploring Adobe’s three open-source products with easy-to-implement toolkits for digital content provenance. Content credentials, currently integrated into Adobe Photoshop, will now be available for other products and services through three simple open-source tools. Dave Kozma, Eric Scouten, and Gavin Peacock from the CAI team will show off the new JavaScript SDK, Rust Toolkit, and Command Line Utility. CAI Lead Product Designer and C2PA UX Task Force Co-Chair Pia Blumenthal will walk through the UX guidelines, use cases, and trust signals these new tools enable.  

If you’re a developer, product leader, designer, or business leader interested in transparency and trust online, please join the Content Authenticity Initiative for this important launch event. 

Learn more about CAI technology and view case studies by VII's Ilvy Njiokiktjien, Maciek Nabrdalik, and Ziyah Gafic.