Leaders in Journalism Lecture: Maciek Nabrdalik

From: December 3, 2015 @ 18:00 EDT
To: December 3, 2015 @ 21:00 EDT

December 3, 2015 at 6PM
Wilkinson Public Library
100 West Pacific Avenue, Telluride, CO 81435

Maciek Nabrdalik will be joining the San Juan Independent from Poland in order to share his groundbreaking work from the front lines of the refugee crisis in Europe. As wars rage in Syria and Iraq, and simmer in Ukraine and Libya, and with drought rocking Sub-Saharan Africa, there are more refugees on the move now than at any time in history, with many flooding into Europe by land and sea. Nabrdalik begins his story on the Greek island of Lesbos where, he writes, “They first appear as small, undefinable spots on the horizon. Nobody knows exactly when and where they will appear — but what IS certain is that they keep coming. Several dozen times a day.” Then, the story flows through the port of Athens and the borders of Serbia and Croatia.

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The VII Association has partnered with the San Juan Independent to bring to bring some of the world’s preeminent photographers from VII to Telluride.