Summer Photography Workshop in Ireland

From: August 26, 2017 @ 08:00 EDT
To: August 31, 2017 @ 17:00 EDT

The workshop led by Gary Knight and Santiago Lyon will be held over 6 days in Dublin, Ireland from the 26th to the 31st of August. The workshop is open to 12 professional and committed amateur photographers. We are excited to have guest speaker, author and photographer Finbarr O’Reilly, join us for a presentation.

There will be a strong emphasis on career building and career management by the tutors and guests. They all have unique career experiences and skills that extend well beyond photography and which will create a unique environment at this workshop.

The workshop structure requires that you research stories and projects in advance and work on them from early morning until late afternoon everyday. Each day you will have a one on one tutorial with one of the tutors, followed by an evening presentation or structured conversation. The presentations will include the tutors and guests showing their own work, the work of other photographers, conversations about media ethics, proposal research and development, client building, client management, branding and marketing.

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