VII Interactive: Lecture. Editing a  Documentary During  the  Pandemic—Working With an Editor via ZOOM

September 3, 2020
11:00–12:15PM EDT
Candi Evans is the vice-president of the Golfview Residents Association, which was formed in response to the purchase of the park by Havenpark Capital, a Utah-based private equity firm, which immediately raised lot rents by 59 to 63 percent. Evans retired in January from the roofing company she and her late husband ran for several years. At 71, she says, she had no intetions of "becoming a community organizer." But she has worked with city, county, state and federal officials, to fight back against Havenpark's "rent gouging." Havenpark refuses to talk to the media, and has met only once with park residents to hear their grievances.

© Sara Terry / VII. Candi Evans is the vice-president of the Golfview Residents Association, which was formed in response to the purchase of the park by Havenpark Capital, a Utah-based private equity firm, which immediately raised lot rents by 59 to 63 percent. Evans retired in January from the roofing company she and her late husband ran for several years. At 71, she says, she had no intention of “becoming a community organizer.” But she has worked with city, county, state and federal officials, to fight back against Havenpark’s “rent gouging.” Havenpark refuses to talk to the media and has met only once with park residents to hear their grievances.

Click here to register for this FREE live lecture on September 3 @ 11 AM EDT / 5 PM CEST.

In late February of this year, VII’s Sara Terry had just finished principal photography on her third feature-length documentary, “That’s How We Roll.” She and her award-winning editor, Victoria Chalk, had just entered the first stages of editing–viewing footage together and planning the film’s narrative structure.

Then the pandemic hit and changed everything. Join a conversation with Victoria and Sara to learn how they made a quick switch to editing via Zoom and how they are dealing with the challenges of the pandemic during one of the most critical stages of making a film. Questions welcome!