ALL AT ONCE: Visual Storytelling with VII in Barcelona

From: March 26, 2018 @ 08:00 EDT
To: March 28, 2018 @ 17:00 EDT

Photo by Tomas Van Houtryve / VII

In March of 2018, VII photographers will convene in Barcelona, Spain for their annual meeting. On this occasion, from March 26 – 28, 2018, the agency will hold a 3-day photography workshop with Eyes in Progress at the Catalan Civic Center Casa Golferichs in the heart of Barcelona, Spain.

This will be the second edition of this event which first took place in 2016 and gathered 40 international and local students. In 2018, the workshop will be open to 60 participants.

The VII photographers will share their professional experiences and work with students in order to help them improve photographic narrative and photojournalism skills. The program will be punctuated by seminars, editing, shooting sessions and individual meetings.

“VII is thrilled to announce a new education initiative. ‘VII All At Once’ is the latest program in our two-decade commitment to the transfer of knowledge and mentoring which have been core objectives of the Agency since it was founded in 2001. The photographers of VII meet only once a year and we are delighted that in March 2018 we will have the opportunity to renew our relationship with Barcelona and to work in partnership with the community through Centre Cívic Casa Golferichs.” — Gary Knight, VII Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board.


As soon as you’ve completed your application form, you can book your editing sessions and one-on-one. During those three days, there will be:

Each VII photographer will talk about a specific theme around photojournalism and narrative photography.

Editing sessions
The VII photographer works with groups of three to four people (maximum) on the editing and sequencing of one or several given photographic series (projected on screen or prints laid on a table).

The VII photographer works individually with a participant on any kind of subject: coahcing/mentoring, career, project in progress, photographer attitude, editing, etc.

Shooting sessions 
The VII photographer works with a group of participants on shooting techniques.

Check out the detailed program HERE >>


Civic Center CASA GOLFERICHS is a cultural institution located in the hear of Eixample district in Barcelona, which focuses on technology and photography.

Apply now >>