People cheer on central Amiryan street, as Nikol Pashinyan is elected Armenian Prime Minister, in Yerevan, Armenia, on May 8, 2018. ©Anush Babajanyan / VII
Yerevan is a sunny and vibrant city, especially in the beautiful season of late spring. The magic of Yerevan is in its diversity; it is both active and peaceful, both modern and old. It is a place where the very welcoming Armenian and Caucasian tradition mixes with the Soviet and the European; a city where the liveliness of the central area starkly contrasts with the bucolic villages that surround it.
Anush Babajanyan has lived and worked in Yerevan for years. Still, for her, this city is always a place to explore and gain new understanding, and she would love to do that together with you. Anush will guide and support each of the participants of this seven-day workshop in the creation of a complete body of work.
This workshop in Yerevan will be very hands on. You’ll spend many hours every day exploring Yerevan with the help of local fixers and building your photo essay. Anush will work together with you ahead of the workshop to decide the theme of your story.
You’ll continually return to the workshop location to review the images with Anush — discussing individual photographs, addressing technical questions, toning, and selecting images, and also zooming out and understanding how the story is moving forward, and what directions should be taken to complete it. During these individual and often group sessions, there will also be general discussions on the industry, career advice, and conversations about social media.
All participants will present their newly created stories to the whole group on the last day of the workshop in a closing event, where fixers are also invited.
This workshop in Yerevan intends to give you an experience that builds you up — an experience of exploring Yerevan and Armenia, addressing challenges while working, and developing yourself not only as a photographer but as a storyteller, with Anush supporting you all along the way.
Photographers of any level of experience are welcome. The preferred software is Lightroom.
The VII Academy scholarship to this VII Photo Agency workshop will cover your participation in the workshop. Travel to the workshop location, accommodation, and other expenses are your responsibility.
View of the Cascade in Yerevan, Armenia, on June 22, 2019. ©Anush Babajanyan / VII Couple in a cafe at Yerevan’s Cascade, in Armenia on September 12, 2018. ©Anush Babajanyan / VII
Apply now
Eligible applicants who wish to be considered for a VII Academy scholarship should complete the application form linked below. Register with Award Force, select the category “VII Photo Workshops” and then “Experiencing Yerevan.”
The VII Academy scholarship to this VII Photo Agency workshop will cover your participation in the workshop. Any travel to the workshop location, accommodation, and other expenses are your responsibility.
Requirements: Applicants must be citizens and residents of Armenia to be eligible for a scholarship.
Scholarship application deadline: April 15, 2020
Enroll now
Participation through a paid placement via VII Photo Agency website.