We hold long-term agreements with UNICEF and The Global Fund and have been granted United Nations ECOSOC Special Consultative Status. Using still and time-based visual media, VII Photo contributing photographers work on assignments for our partners, which are integrated into powerful communications strategies.

In 2010, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and VII Photo launched "Starved for Attention," an international multimedia campaign to rewrite the story of childhood malnutrition.
A six-part documentary film project that tells the stories of millions of patients left behind by the global health revolution. In partnership with Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) and UNION HZ.
VII Photo produced documentary film and photography features to help raise awareness about the experience of formerly incarcerated persons in partnership with the non-profit Think Outside the Cell.
The Newest Americans is a multimedia collaboration between journalists, media-makers, artists, faculty, and students that tell the stories from the most diverse university in the nation, Newark, NJ.
The Millennium Villages Project explored the UN Millennium Project initiated and run by Jeff Sachs and the Earth Institute at Columbia University to embrace the Millennium Development goals and lift failing villages and hunger hotspots across Africa to reach sustainability.
In 2018, VII Photo collaborated with UNICEF on its Child Survival Campaign to raise awareness about the million babies who die on their very first day despite the existence of simple solutions that can save them.
VII Photo collaborated with UNICEF to produce a communication package highlighting the crucial role of child and newborn health in the welfare and growth of communities in West and Central Africa.
A multimedia campaign, in partnership with Stop TB Partnership, designed to enhance global awareness and advocate for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis.
In this UNICEF project, VII contributing photographer Mary Gelman captures the stories of eight young women spanning Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and South America, shedding light on the opportunities available for women and girls in the technology sector.
VII Photo partnered with the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) for a series of case studies by VII contributing photographers Ziyah Gafic, Maciek Nabrdalik, and Ilvy Njiokiktjien.
A collaborative production aimed at crafting impactful videos, photography edits, written texts, and social media content to spotlight the European Union Child Guarantee Policy (EUCG) in collaboration with UNICEF.
In 2016, Iraqi photojournalist Ali Arkady embedded with the country’s special forces – an elite group of both Sunnis & Shiites who were battling ISIS in the name of a unified Iraq – to document the effort.