We create large-scale and long-term documentary projects, exhibitions, and films that reveal complex realities; advocate for change; and serve as resources for policymakers, the public, and journalists worldwide.
Dedicated to advancing women's presence in the documentation of the natural world, Nature Through Her Eyes' mission is to provide access and opportunity through mentoring, masterclasses, and networking during a bi-annual four-day festival.
Dispatches in Exile provides migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina with basic media training to tell their own stories in partnership with The International Organization for Migration (IOM).
A book, exhibition, education, and advocacy project. In this signature collection, world-renown journalists and authors take us into societies that have suffered searing conflict—and survived. Funded by the Gross Family Foundation.
The VII Foundation, Generation Human Rights, and Photoville's initiative, the Millennium Villages Project (MVP) Interactive Classroom Program and Mobile Exhibit Bus Tour was a global human rights learning project. MVP taught 8th-12th grade students about sustainable development and solutions to extreme poverty, drawing connections between local realities and those abroad.
Yves Saint Laurent by Alexandra and Pierre Boulat is an extensive body of photographic work capturing the most significant moments throughout French fashion and costume designer Yves Saint Laurent’s career.
Since 2004 visual artist Ismar Čirkinagić has been gathering, preserving, and identifying plants from the sites of mass graves across Bosnia-Herzegovina and photographing the landscapes in which they were found.
As local Ukrainian media practitioners continue to document the stories of the war and defend their democracy, The VII Foundation is working with The Frontline Club Charitable Trust to provide proper hostile environment training to protect them.
Lost Rolls America ensures the creation of a national archive of images from the public’s lost rolls of film, and acts as a digital repository of visual memories living on Photo Shelter’s unique platform.