VII Interactive: Protocols Of Protest: Peter Tatchell In Conversation with Stephen Mayes

From: June 18, 2020 @ 10:00 EDT
To: June 18, 2020 @ 11:15 EDT
Photo courtesy of Peter Tatchell

This live event is on June 18, 2020 at 16:00 CET/15:00 BST/10:00 EDT.

Debate has flared and tempers frayed in recent weeks as journalists and protestors have sought to establish an ethical approach to representing public demonstrations: what is the journalist’s ethical responsibility to represent and what is the protestor’s ethical responsibility to be represented? Peter Tatchell is an experienced media figure who will share some of the lessons learned as a human rights activist who has put himself on the front-line of social change as a UK Parliamentary candidate and as a campaigner with experience of over 3,000 public protests across 53 years, confronting multiple regimes and winning tangible results that have benefitted millions. Stephen Mayes is Executive Director of the Tim Hetherington Trust and former CEO of VII Photo Agency.

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