Luiza Kons

Luiza Possamai Kons was born in Assis Chateaubriand in western Paraná, Brazil, in 1993. Luiza is a Ph.D. student in History at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), holds a Master of Arts from the State University of Paraná (UNESPAR) in 2021, and is a graduate in journalism from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in 2017.

Some of Luiza’s photographs were acquired by the Museo de la Fotograafía de Fortaleza in Brazil. Luiza was the winner of the 2022 Foto-Feminas Portfolio Review. Also in 2022, she won the award for best portfolio at the 15th edition of FestFoto, Porto Alegre, and at the “XII Valparaíso International Photography Festival ” (FIFV) Vaparaíso, Chile. In 2021, she was also the second-place winner in the 13th edition of the “Salão dos Artistas sin Galeria,” promoted by Mapa das Artes, São Paulo, Brazil.