The Food Chain in Latin America in the time of COVID-19

Fabiola Ferrero explains her work recently published in National Geographic. She writes, “Carlos Monasterio entered his home one day in Valencia, north central Venezuela, and saw his wife passed out on the floor. She hadn’t eaten in days. ‘I’m terrified of living it again.’ I heard this in different ways while doing the most recent work on access to food with Venezuelan migrants in Colombia. To document the lack of access to food, I handed out notebooks to a group of Venezuelan migrants asking them to keep a record of their daily meals. After a few days, I came back and photographed them. In Alejandro Carrero’s diary, for example, the word ‘nothing’ is read in breakfasts and lunches for three days in a row. Next to the dinner, he wrote ‘arroz con papas.'”

This story is part of a group project by the Ruda Colectiva and was supported by a grant from the National Geographic Society’s Emergency Fund for Journalists.