Two men who have just arrived on the Greek island of Lesbos use foil blankets to get warm and dry as they watch two inflatable boats with Syrian refugees approaching the beach coming from the Turkish coast. Every day, around 2.000 refugees, most of them from Syria, arrive on this small holiday island in the Aegean sea. Lesvos, Greece. 09/09/2015.
Oslo, Norway

Espen Rasmussen

Contributing Photographer

Espen Rasmussen lives close to Oslo, Norway. He focuses especially on humanitarian issues and works as a photo editor at Norway’s largest news magazine, VG Helg.

He has won numerous awards for his work, including three prizes from the World Press Photo, first place in Sony World Photography Awards, several in the Picture of the Year international, and 45 awards in the Norwegian Picture of the Year.

In 2007, Espen received a $60,000 grant from the Fritt Ord Foundation to continue his long-term project on refugees and IDPs around the world. The work was published as the book “TRANSIT” in 2011, as well as a major exhibition at the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo.

Rasmussen is freelance lecturing photography at universities and he is also frequently giving presentations at photo festivals and for a wide range of other audiences. For the last eight years, he has been one of three editors/mentors in the Norwegian Journal of Photography (NJP).

Rasmussen has worked on several major long-term projects, among them: “TRANIST,” “Hard.Land “— a project about the American middle class in the Rust Belt, and “White Rage” — a report on right-wing people in the U.S. and in Europe.

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