Wounds: Ukraine, by Joseph Sywenkyj

March 28, 2023
12:00–13:15PM EST

In this event with Joseph Sywenkyj and Sara Terry, Joseph will present his project Wounds, an intimate study of Ukrainian activists and soldiers who were severely wounded during the Euromaidan Revolution and Russia’s ongoing brutal war against Ukraine. It focuses intensely on individuals and their families who fought for justice, democracy, and Ukraine’s continued independence.

This ongoing documentation, which he began in 2014, reveals what are likely the most vulnerable and painful moments in the lives of these men and women. A central objective of this project is to give Ukrainians an unvarnished perspective of how those wounded in war heal over time. This can guide and comfort those confronted with similar situations. For the international audience, it helps to serve as a reminder of the human cost of war and the imperative of supporting Ukraine and defending democracy.

Wounds was awarded the Aftermath Project Grant in 2022, and Sara Terry will discuss how the grant operates and what it seeks to achieve.


Joseph Sywenkyj is an American photographer of Ukrainian descent who has lived and worked in Ukraine for approximately 20 years. Among his many awards, Joseph received the Aftermath Project Grant and the W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography. He has also received two Fulbright Awards, one as a student and the other as a scholar.