The VII Foundation provides educational courses, mentoring, and workshops – many of them tuition-free – across a broad spectrum of media practice, including image-making, ethics, filmmaking, research, writing, and media entrepreneurship.
The VII Foundation provides educational courses, mentoring, and workshops – many of them tuition-free – across a broad spectrum of media practice, including image-making, ethics, filmmaking, research, writing, and media entrepreneurship.
We deliver tuition-free educational courses, professional programs, and mentoring at our campuses in Arles and Sarajevo, through our online platforms, and in the field. We have trained over 1,200 young journalists from 100 countries who report from communities worldwide. We also have a support network for our alums, VII Community, as they develop sustainable careers.
The VII Foundation’s educational focus is on visual journalism. Whether it be documentary practice, narrative photography, or photojournalism, our goal is to equip practitioners with the skills to make visual storytelling the core around which reporting unfolds.
The three levels of the Visual Journalism Program and the Mentor Program are tuition-free. Practitioners can also take vocational courses or workshops by contributing photographers. These courses offer training in a broad spectrum of media practice, including image-making, ethics, filmmaking, research, writing, and media entrepreneurship.
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Photo: Santa Cruz del Islote, the only artificial island among the 10 in the San Bernardo archipelago. With 700 people on one hectare, it is considered the most densely populated island in the world. Oct. 13, 2018. © Charlie Cordero.