The VII Foundation online events are made possible by our partnership with PhotoWings.

Four Questions on Photography: Ilvy Njiokiktjien in Conversation With…Sara Terry

September 13, 2021
11:30–12:30PM EDT
A Muslim widow examines body bags containing the remains of recently exhumed victims of the 1992 "ethnic cleansing" campaign waged by Serbs against their Muslim neighbors in Bosnia, July 2001. Sara Terry/VII
“Four Questions on Photography: Ilvy Njiokiktjien in Conversation With…” is a series of events where each month well-known photographers discuss with Ilvy their response to these questions:
  • What is your most important photograph, how did you make it, and what impact do you think it had?
  • What is your biggest photo failure; an image you wanted or needed but you messed up somehow?
  • What is your dream image or story?
  • What advice would you give to your younger self?

In this first episode of the series, Ilvy is in conversation with Sara Terry.

This event was recorded and you can watch the video here