Narratives from Algeria

From: July 5, 2020 @ 00:00 EDT
To: September 6, 2020 @ 23:59 EDT
As I lie awake in the night, the intense warmth keeps me away from much needed sleep. My nightgown sticks to my body, my breath is slow, I run a hand along the wall and its deep crevices, all that should be familiar is unknown. I try to imagine my grandmother running her hands against these walls, these details she knew so well, perhaps she made these markings herself, one day when she was young and in love and pushed the bed against the doorway so no one could enter. I am trying to live another woman's life, smell the scents she smelled, imagine that the etchings in the wall represent my own life lived. But they are not. No matter how much I pretend that this is my life, this is my life, this is my is not

Linda Bournane Engelberth’s work is included in the group exhibition Narratives from Algeria on view from July 5 to September 6 at Photoforum Pasquart.

The exhibition is intended to provide an overview of contemporary Algerian photography in its plurality, richness, and diversity against the background of its currently limited international reach.

With Farouk Abbou, Anas Allal, Sofiane Bakouri, Yassin Belahsene, Samir Belkaïd, Laura Ben Hayoun, Sabri Benalycherif, Nejla Bencheikh, Ramzy Bensaadi, Houari Bouchenak, Mahdi Boucif, Ferhat Bouda, Bruno Boudjelal, Linda Bournane Engelbera, Fatima Chafia , Zohor Fatah, Tytus Grodzicki, Bruno Hadjih, Awel Haouati, Youcef Krache, Emilien Itim, Yanis Kafiz, Lola Khalfa, KMH, Issam Larkat, Mohamed Mahiout, Nadja Makhlouf, Souad Mani & Hakim Rezaoui, Farouk Islam Medjati, Nasser Medjkane Merzagui, Camille Millerand, Fethi Sahraoui, Lydia Saidi, Sihem Salhi, Mohamed Fouad Semmache, Youcef Senous, Lynn SK.

Curated by Danaé Panchaud and Abdo Shanan, supported by Miriam Edmunds