See Through the Noise at FOTOIST International Photography Festival

From: August 30, 2024 @ 19:00 CEST
To: September 3, 2024 @ 19:00 CEST
Barabar Centre, Pristina
African migrants crowd the night shore of Djibouti city, trying to capture inexpensive cell signals from neighboring Somalia—a tenuous link to relatives abroad. 26 February, 2013. © John Stanmeyer / VII.

August 30, 2024 / 19:00 CEST
Barabar Centre, Pristina, Kosovo

See Through the Noise opens at the FOTOIST International Photography Festival.

See Through the Noise was the first collective exhibition by VII in Arles, marking the acquisition of VII Photo by The VII Foundation in 2023. Among the most significant images depicting the events and issues they portray, the featured images serve as an enduring testament to the importance, within our fragile societies, of a bold form of journalism that is free of artifice and falsehood. Some of these works received the most coveted prizes in photography and were featured on the pages of leading publications. Others led to investigations of war crimes in Iraq and were used as court evidence in the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

Selected work includes photography by Ali Arkady, Anush Babajanyan, Philip Blenkinsop, Alexandra Boulat, Eric Bouvet, Leonardo Carrato, Rena Effendi, Linda Bournane Engelberth, Danny Wilcox Frazier, Ziyah Gafic, Mary Gelman, Ashley Gilbertson, Ron Haviv, Jocelyn Bain Hogg, Tomas van Houtryve, Ed Kashi, Brenda Ann Kenneally, M’hammed Kilito, Gary Knight, Joachim Ladefoged, Paul Lowe, Stefano de Luigi, Pascal Maitre, Christopher Morris, Seamus Murphy, Maciek Nabrdalik, Ilvy Njiokikjtinen, Finbarr O’Reilly, Franco Pagetti, Espen Rasmussen, Daniel Schwartz, Nichole Sobecki, John Stanmeyer, Maggie Steber, Sara Terry, Nicole Tung, and Adriana Zehbrauskas.

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PHOTO: African migrants crowd the night shore of Djibouti city, trying to capture inexpensive cell signals from neighboring Somalia—a tenuous link to relatives abroad. 26 February, 2013. © John Stanmeyer / VII.


About FOTOIST International Photography Festival
FOTOIST  International Photography Festival is the largest photography festival in the Balkans, founded in 2023, with the aim of promoting photography and the cultural life in Pristina. The festival consists of five days of photography exhibitions, lectures, debates, film screenings, portfolio reviews, and other events.