August 23 / 21:00 CEST
Kovačnica, Poštna ulica 4, Kranj, Slovenia
Join us on Friday, August 23, at 21:00 CEST at Kovačnica in Kranj for a screening of Square Mile, an initiative by VII Community in partnership with PhotoWings.
Square Mile is an initiative that presents diverse photographic explorations by members of VII Community. It is a geographic framework, signifying a local focus on spaces where personal, local, and global influences intersect. The projects explore how themes such as climate change, identity, history, legacy, migration, gender, and environment appear within a local perspective.
This edition features work by VII Community members: Mahdi Barchian (Iran), Doug Barrett (USA), Uma Bista (Nepal), Charlie Cordero (Colombia), David Diaz Arcos (Ecuador), Leala Faleseuga (New Zealand), Ksenia Ivanova (Russia), Guerchom Ndebo (DRC), Natalia Neuhaus (USA), Alejandra Orosco (Peru), Stefan Pavić (Serbia), and Tako Robakidze (Georgia).
VII Community provides continuing education and support to a network of VII Academy alumni and Foundry Photojournalism Workshop participants. VII Community is a program of The VII Foundation in partnership with PhotoWings.
The screening is part of the evening projections at Kranj Foto Fest.
PHOTO: Santa Cruz del Islote, the only artificial island among the 10 in the San Bernardo archipelago. With 700 people on one hectare, it is considered the most densely populated island in the world. Oct. 13, 2018. © Charlie Cordero for VII Academy.