The Original Masterclass with Stefano De Luigi & Maciek Nabrdalik

From: May 16, 2020
To: August 8, 2020
12 weeks
Scholarship eligibility
Worldwide|Worldwide non-G20
Additional info

Group presentation language: English

One-on-one languages: English, Italian, French, or Polish

A young women living in Juba Landfill. A project for a increasing the quality of the security and pollution standards is supported by italian Ngo CESVI. Southern Sudan October/November 2010. © Stefano De Luigi / VII.

Farmers in Straholesie, Chernobyl region, Ukraine. ©Maciek Nabrdalik / VII Farmers in Straholesie, Chernobyl region, Ukraine. ©Maciek Nabrdalik / VII


Apply now to receive a scholarship to take part in The Original Masterclass (this time held online), a long-form course based around three, two-day interactive group seminar sessions interspersed by two long interactive workshop sessions. This course includes group seminars with the tutors, one-on-one tutorials, and lectures by prominent guests.

VII Masterclass is one of the most ambitious and exhaustive training programs available. It aims to develop and consolidate new talent in documentary photography and photojournalism over a period of three months. It is structured around three seminars with workshop sessions and multiple one-on-one interactions woven in between. The principal objective of this Masterclass is to allow time for progress to develop, and for the long-term structure to have a lasting contribution to your professional training. During each Masterclass, the tutors will invite international photography professionals, including critics, photo editors, and festival directors, to present and critique your work.

The course guests include VII photographers and other internationally renowned professionals.

Building on the unique and independent identity of the agency, the VII Masterclass offers you an extensive and candid view of the photographic industry as a whole. Meeting photographers from outside the agency, investigating new platforms for image sharing, readings, and learning about their editorial choices are all elements that contribute to making the VII Masterclass.

For a full schedule of this workshop, please visit this program’s page on VII Photo Agency’s website.


Giraffe killed by the draught in WAJIR area, in the northeastern province, Kenya, October 2009. ©Stefano De Luigi / VII Giraffe killed by the draught in WAJIR area, in the northeastern province, Kenya, October 2009. ©Stefano De Luigi / VII A young woman living in Juba Landfill, shot as part of a project for the Italian NGO CESVI that aims to improve the quality of security and pollution standards. Southern Sudan, October/November 2010. ©Stefano De Luigi / VII A young woman living in Juba Landfill, shot as part of a project for the Italian NGO CESVI that aims to improve the quality of security and pollution standards. Southern Sudan, October/November 2010. ©Stefano De Luigi / VII


Clea Rekhou: “The VII Masterclass has been for me the most insightful experience about documentary photography. It has allowed me to learn from inspiring masters and mentors so that I could push my boundaries further. It taught me about “owning” my projects as much as discovering the professional aspects of documentary photography. The masterclass is at the same time very concrete, pragmatic and conceptual, philosophical. I met also many inspiring ‘classmates’ who also very inspiring, inventive and touching. Thanks to all the masters for investing in new voices. Thank you Stefano! Thank you Maciek!”

Sandra Buschow: “The masterclass was such an intense time for me and I am so grateful for what I experienced during this last year – it was so emotional. I went to Warsaw with an idea for a project and I got back to Berlin with an inspiration for a very personal and intimate story which was a totally different thing! Thank you for this challenge that entered my life so unexpectedly! Above all, I would like to thank my mentor Maggie Steber who brought my story to the foreground. I would also like to express my deep gratitude to the lecturers, to Stefano, and to Maciek. It was anything but a comfortable journey for me but you have provided a space for my story to evolve in photographic expression. I am still processing the feedback and the effects of the extensive lectures, I have learned so much and I am just realizing the long-lasting impression of all the content-related discussions. Over time, some relations have turned into deep friendships and I have spent an intense and fruitful time with my new friends. With all the consequences and without the blink of an eye, I would do this masterclass again. The most beautiful thing to me is that the overall topic was passion: the passion for a story and passion for photography! And if you ask me, it’s this is what really counts.”

Yulia Grigoryants: “Coming from Armenia, a small country which today doesn’t provide almost any school or course for young photographers, VII Masterclass in Warsaw was a unique opportunity for me. It was a great chance to learn from professional photographers and specialists, who shared their experience and knowledge with us. It was a unique opportunity to learn and it, basically, opened my eyes.
What is great is that this is not a one-time Masterclass, but a long-term program, that facilitates building stronger bonds between the photographer and the subject and of course between participants and the professionals. The Masterclass gave me an invaluable and enriching experience, which I will be able to carry with me throughout my career. I am deeply thankful to my mentor Maggie Steber who continues to mentor my project and me even after the workshop, giving me motivation and power to pursue and make the project deeper.”

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Scholarships are closed for entry.

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For those who wish to guarantee themselves a spot, you can participate through a paid placement via the VII Interactive website.

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