1-Day iPhone Workshop

From: March 14, 2014 @ 10:00 EDT
To: March 15, 2014 @ 17:00 EDT

with John Stanmeyer
Friday, March 14 or Saturday, March 15
Stanmeyer Gallery & Shaker Dam Coffeehouse
West Stockbridge, MA

Anyone passionate about iPhone photography is invited to take part in this one day workshop with John Stanmeyer. Learn how John uses his iPhone for personal and professional photography, and how the iPhone can become an assett in complex lighting situations. He will also share his favorite camera and toning apps, and provide insight into leveraging this ubiquitous camera in the powerful task of communicating through self-publishing and social media.

The workshop fee is $100 and covers a full day from 10am to 5 pm. Seating is limited, so please register early by sending a message to john[at]stanmeyer.com, or visit the gallery in person to sign-up.