Book Club – Ed Kashi, The Cali Years

November 9, 2021
10:00–11:00AM EST

The Cali Years is a 25-year collection of Ed Kashi’s archive from 1979-2004, from his time spent living in California. This significant period marked the development of a college graduate into a renowned visual storyteller. This motley collection of images contains everything from family life to celebrities, from magazine assignments to in-depth personal projects.

What was originally intended to be a small zine became a fold-out hand-bound collectible book. This collaborative project made in Ed’s studio with Brenda Bingham and Michael Curry will be produced in a limited edition of 100.

In this event – hosted by Ziyah Gafic – Ed, Brenda, and Michael will discuss the purpose and production of this book.

This event was recorded and you can watch the video here