How To Develop Your Photo Project

From: July 20, 2014 @ 00:00 EDT
To: July 26, 2014 @ 23:59 EDT
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Fee: € 1,185

This workshop to be held July 20 – 26 in Tuscany and led by Franco Pagetti—one of the principal chroniclers of the Iraq war—is open to both professional and emerging photographers. Throughout the course—geared towards exploring the full range of expressive possibilities of the photographic medium—Pagetti will explain to and teach participants how to construct and develop a photographic project through the critical stages of production: conception, realization, and promotion of the project—delving into the crucial points of each phase.

Students will learn how to identify a subject that interests not only the photographer, but also the media and the public; to search for a personal artistic style; and to confront the practical aspects tied to the profession of photojournalism—such as the presentation of one’s work in editorial terms, the management of relationships with the editing office of newspapers and magazines, and the functioning mechanisms of photographic agencies. Through the daily meetings and editing sessions, participants will be challenged to deepen their capacity to tell a visual story and to convey an immediate and coherent message, giving them the opportunity to explore how to combine one’s personal narration with the expectations of the photographic market.
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