Home to Home

From: December 15, 2017 @ 00:00 EDT
To: January 15, 2018 @ 23:59 EDT

About 20,000 Syrian refugees have settled in Armenia and Artsakh since the beginning of the ravaging war in Syria. Most of them are Syrian Armenians, descendants of those who fled the Ottoman Empire a century ago amid the Genocide. “Home to Home” is a retrospective of the lives of Syrian-Armenian newcomers in Armenia and Artsakh documented by prominent female photographers Nazik Armenakyan and Piruza Khalapyan of the 4 Plus Documentary Photography Center and Anush Babajanyan of VII, who have been documenting the stories of Syrian refugees in Armenia from different angles since the Syrian civil war erupted in 2011 till present.

The exhibition will run from December 15, 2017, to January 15, 2018 at AGBU Armenia (2/2 Melik Adamyan Street, Yerevan).