Norwegian Documentary Photography

From: August 23, 2019 @ 00:00 EDT
To: January 12, 2020 @ 23:59 EDT
Photo by Linda Bournane Engelberth / VII from the series “You Can Call Me a Gypsy if You Want to.” Luminita gathers wood in the forest to use to heat her home in Dragoeni, Romania.

VII Member Linda Bournane Engelberth and VII Mentor Program photographer Line Ørnes Søndergaard are included in the Norwegian Documentary Photography exhibition.

The exhibition, on view at Henie Onstad Kunstsenter from August 23, 2019 through January 12, 2020, presents the works of 35 photographers with projects spanning the last decade.

Photo by Line Ørnes Søndergaard / VII Mentor Program from the series “Malaise: Amiens, France.” In a moment of silence, Lise is sitting on a wall by the canal running through the town where she lives. During the warmer months, young people in the area gather to hang out here, as an alternative to expensive bars.

All projects presented in the exhibition are the result of dedicated photographic research over time, made possible through support from the Fritt Ord Foundation and the Norwegian Journal of Photography (NJP). VII Emeritus Member Espen Rasmussen is one of the mentors and editors at the NJP.

The exhibition presents a wide range of expressions, forms of work and themes. Overall, the exhibition offers several ways of seeing and understanding the events and situations that shape the world we live in today.