Reporting the Siege of Sarajevo

April 8, 2021
10:00–11:15AM EDT

The Siege of Sarajevo remains the longest siege in modern European history, lasting three times longer than the Battle of Stalingrad and over a year longer than the Siege of Leningrad.

Reporting the Siege of Sarajevo provides the first detailed account of the reporting of this siege and the role that journalists played in highlighting both military and non-military aspects of it. The book draws on detailed primary and secondary material in English and Bosnian, as well as extensive interviews with international correspondents who covered events in Sarajevo from within siege lines. It also includes hitherto unpublished images taken by the co-author and award-winning photojournalist Paul Lowe.

On April 8, 2021, join Paul and co-author Kenneth Morrison in conversation with VII photographers and co-founders who covered the siege — Ron Haviv and Christopher Morris.

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