VII Interactive: Project Development—Finding your Vision and Voice Masterclass with Ed Kashi & Julie Winokur

From: May 15, 2020 @ 00:00 EDT
To: October 30, 2020 @ 23:59 EDT

This course is sold out. Please check out other interactive courses, including The Original Masterclass.  

Instructors: Ed Kashi & Julie Winokur
Price: $2500 Special Introductory Price of $1400
Location: Online


The goal of this workshop is to help you build a Passion Project – a long term project around an issue you are personally passionate about. It will help you create a structure to develop the project, teach you skills to make the contacts and network that would be necessary to carry out your plan, and over 6 months provide feedback and support to accomplish your goals as you work on your project.

With this online workshop, the participants will learn from the dynamic  Ed Kashi and Julie Winokur, who over the past 25 years have collaborated on major documentary projects looking at a wide range of issues such as aging, healthcare, refugees, and immigration. 

With guidance and expert advice, your work will grow, and importantly, you’ll learn how to produce a long-term project from start to finish. You’ll also learn the intricacies turning your passion into a workable idea. You will learn research methods, best practices for gaining access and creating trust with your contacts and subjects, and the importance of commitment to one project. What’s important is clarity of purpose and setting achievable goals. 

The importance of personal projects and long-term work is paramount to developing a more intimate practice that will endure the tribulations of this profession; these kinds of projects also make you stand out. 

With editorial photography changing so dramatically, there has never been a greater need for a documentary photographer to be able to put a personal stamp on their work. In this masterclass, there will be an emphasis on helping students develop their personal vision and unique styles. 

Additional Information

Group presentation language: English

One-on-one language: English                                 

30 hours


Ed Kashi

“During the last five years as working as a freelance photojournalist, I have attended a wide variety of workshops and classes trying to improve my abilities as a visual storyteller. One thing I have learned is that being an outstanding photographer has no direct correlation to one’s ability to teach this skill to others. Some of the best creators in the world are also some of the most difficult to learn from.

Not so with Ed Kashi, who is as gifted an educator as he is a documentarian. Patient, approachable, and warm, learning from Ed is more like being mentored by a talented friend. While some workshop environments can lead to stress and anxiety over one’s future, Ed finds a way to bring out the best in his students in a supportive way. 

Make no mistake – a workshop with Ed is not a time to be lazy or self-congratulatory. He will push you to produce the best work that you’re capable of, and makes no illusions about the difficult nature of professional work as a photographer. Getting in a classroom with Ed will not be a walk in the park by any stretch of the imagination, but the challenge will be one that you can leave feeling good about.” – Luc Forsyth

“While it is no mystery that Ed can capture inspiring moments through his lens, it is his immense heart, gentle soul and supportive spirit that make him such an amazing teacher.  He truly gets to know individuals he mentors and offers a perfect balance of real, constructive feedback, but also guidance to help his students reach their full potential, even when it is beyond what they can see for themselves.” – Amy Smith

“Ed Kashi is an inspiring photographer and teacher, he stands out because of his human values and sensibility which I consider the most important factors for a documentary photographer.” – André Novais

“I have taken two workshops with Ed Kashi.  Not only is he an inspiring photographer and great teacher, but he is an exceptional human being who makes you want to get out there with your camera and do good things for others in this world.  As he has done.  And so necessary in these times…” – Rudi Dundas

“Thank you [Ed] for being an inspirational leader/teacher/artist and a sensitive, caring, and humble person. Thank you for your honest, truthful, positive and encouraging teaching skills, comments and feedback which empowered me both as a person and as an artist! Big thank you for sharing your ideas, perceptions and your work and methods with us. I am truly grateful that I had the opportunity to attend and participate in your workshop!” — Student, Visual Storytelling, July 2019 workshop in Paris