Voice Of Freedom: Photography by women who have escaped slavery

From: June 21, 2018 @ 19:00 EST
To: July 9, 2018 @ 18:00 EST
Photograph by Efe Bella, Courtesy of Voice of Freedom

Ten Nigerian women who escaped slavery and the traumatic experience of trafficking tell their stories through photography. By reversing the classic photographic viewpoint, Voice of Freedom puts the victims behind the camera, rather than in front of the lens, offering the women the opportunity to tell their stories in the first person, from their own perspective. The result of this project is extraordinary both for the quality of the photos and for the accompanying narratives, which are by the women themselves.

The images on show and the dramatic narratives that accompany them, apart from their profound and moving artistic value, offer a significant testimony on the issue of trafficking in human beings. Once in Italy, after arduous trips from Africa, these women became prisoners of traffickers and slavers and were often forced into prostitution. They managed to get out of this situation thanks to the Piam Onlus shelter in Asti, which welcomed and helped them.

The exhibition, in the Sala ‘900 of Palazzo San Daniele of the Polo del’ 900, will be inaugurated on June 20th on World Refugee Day.

The photographs will be on show until 8 July. Free entry.

The exhibition is produced by Voice of Freedom, an organization based in the United Kingdom that uses participatory photography to work with women victims of trafficking.

The exhibition is sponsored by Canon and The VII Foundation.