Ten million Ukrainians have been displaced by the Russian invasion – 6.5 million people are internally displaced, and 3.5 million have fled the country becoming refugees in the process. Amongst those displaced are members of Ukraine’s LGBTQI community, who are thought to be among the designated targets of a Russian campaign to oppress sectors of the community, and names of LGBTQI activists have apparently appeared on Russian kill lists.
Ilvy Njiokiktjien went to Lviv on 11 March to cover everyday life in the city (listen to her audio dispatch from Lviv for more details) and while there she started work on a personal project to document the LGBTQI community in Lviv as they cope with the consequences of the Russian invasion.
In this event, Ilvy will present the first images from her project and what she hopes to achieve with the story – one that documents both the love stories and the atrocities, as well as the community’s dreams for the future, and what that future might be if Russia succeeds in its brutal campaign.
Event time: 12:00 EDT / 17:00 BST / 18:00 CEST / 19:00 EEST
This event was recorded and you can watch the video here