World Tuberculosis Day March 24th — Spreading the Message

March 24, 2021
10:00–11:15AM EDT

TB remains one of the world’s biggest killers. Despite the fact that it is both preventable and curable, an estimated 1.2 million children are affected each year globally. VII Photo Agency is proud to have collaborated with the Stop TB Partnership in creating a multimedia campaign to raise awareness of the challenges facing children for the diagnosis and treatment of a disease that is increasingly drug-resistant.

The Stop TB’s Global Drug Facility (GDF) set up the Pediatric Drug-Resistant TB Initiative that aims to ensure access to the best possible treatments for children. For decades, there were no child-friendly medicines to treat drug-resistant TB, so doctors were forced to use drugs created for adults. That is now changing, and there are new child-friendly medicines designed to treat drug-resistant TB in children.

GDF’s Chief Brenda Waning will join VII members Ziyah Gafic and Mary Gelman — who traveled to Haiti, Kyrgyzstan, and Nigeria to photograph and interview doctors and families using the new child-friendly treatments. Join them in a conversation that will explore how a visual narrative is used to inform and influence the public.