Every Child ALIVE Exhibition

Ilvy Njiokiktjien attended the opening of UNICEF’s Every Child ALIVE exhibition at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. The exhibition showcases 16 newborn portraits taken by Ilvy on assignment for UNICEF, along with the amazing stories of these babies who have overcome newborn mortality in Mali, Mongolia, Peru, and Bangladesh.

Ilvy Njiokiktjien attends Every Child Alive Exhibition

The exhibition, on view through June 6, aims to highlight stories of how practical solutions can make a lifesaving difference and bring us closer to ending preventable newborn mortality. Each story includes a hand-shot portrait taken in a mobile studio (inspired by a newborn photography style popular in high-income countries), and a wider “contextual” portrait showing the mother, the baby, and the solutions that helped the baby survive.

To learn more about the Every Child ALIVE campaign, click here.