Amina Kadous

Amina Kadous is a visual artist based in Cairo, Egypt. Her work tackles concepts of memory and identity. Her work is a linkage between the past and present through the layers of time as they fold and unfold. The exploration of time serves, for her, as a means for understanding who she is as a person. 

Amina’s work has been exhibited locally and internationally.  She exhibited as part of the Photography Biennale of the contemporary Arab world at the Cite Des Arts in Paris in 2019. She participated at the 12th edition of the Bamako Biennale of Photography and was awarded the Centre Soleil d’Afrique Prize for her project, “A Crack in the Memory of My Memory.” This prize is awarded to an outstanding female artist from Africa whose work shows signs of promise and development.

Amina received a grant from the Magnum Foundation and Prince Claus Foundation and was one of the top ten finalists for the Everyday Projects grant for her current long-term series “ White Gold.” She was also awarded the Contemporary African Photography Prize 2022 and Prix De La Photo Madame Figaro at the Rencontres d’Arles festival in 2022. Recently, Amina won the Kranj Photo Festival open call for the human and nature theme with her ongoing series “ White Gold.”

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