On Wednesday, 3 July 2024, VII Insider, in partnership with PhotoWings, organized a hybrid (in-person and online) event at The VII Foundation’s Alexandra Boulat Campus in Arles, France. Here you can watch the recording of this special event.
The production of synthetic media by AI models is rapidly and radically transforming the visual landscape. Generative AI can produce increasingly realistic photographs and videos, and this capacity is expanding exponentially.
Given the danger synthetic visual media poses to the power of images in reliably documenting events and issues, this session will address this question: what can independent practitioners and media organizations do to ensure authenticated visual content retains a central place in visual journalism?
Dr. David Campbell,
Education Director, The VII Foundation
Nicolas Jimenez
Director of Photography, Le Monde
Santiago Lyon
Head of Advocacy and Education, Content Authenticity Initiative
Mutale Nkonde
Leader, AI for The People