Born Free: Generation of Hope

This year marks the thirtieth anniversary since Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa, initiating a new chapter for the country. Since 2007, VII contributing photographer Ilvy Njiokiktjien has chronicled South Africa’s first post-apartheid generation. She became intrigued by these young adults and has followed the stories of more than 30 so-called ‘Born Frees’, portraying their daily lives in her distinctive and intimate style.

On Saturday, September 14, 2024, the Apartheid Museum opened Ilvy Njiokiktjien’s exhibition Born Free: Generation of Hope. Photographs and short films of young South Africans born around 1994 – 30 years later. During the event, the Apartheid Museum and VII Insider (a program of The VII Foundation in partnership with PhotoWings) organized a panel discussion with the photographer and curators of the show. This hybrid event was hosted online and on-site at the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg, South Africa

Azu Nwagbogu  provided curatorial oversight and will talk about his efforts to challenge stereotypes and promote authentic storytelling about Africa. Through his work, he emphasizes the importance of understanding cultural contexts and encourages both African and non-African photographers to engage deeply with the communities they document.

Neo Ntsoma co-curator of the exhibition will offer her perspective on the born free generation, drawing from her unique vantage point as someone from the preceding generation who has observed their development and impact on South African society.

Ilvy Njiokiktjien photographer and videographer (whose photographs and films are being showcased in this exhibition) will focus on the experiences she has had with the born frees over the past 17 years, sharing insights from her extensive work documenting their lives and aspirations.

Kneo Mokgopa of the Nelson Mandela Foundation writes about socio-economic politics, human rights and African political movements.

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