Ongoing support for our alumni is a vital task. To this end, we launched VII Community in 2023 in partnership with PhotoWings.
VII Community is a network of VII Academy alumni and Foundry Photojournalism Workshop participants that number more than 1,000 practitioners. It offers support for those who have completed our courses and are working as visual journalists.
VII Community continues our tuition-free education mission by connecting alumni with established journalists and editors, providing valuable information and resources, and offering practical assistance for alumni to develop sustainable careers. The program runs online discussions, presentations, and reviews, in-person global meet-ups (the first of which took place during the Kranj Foto Fest in Slovenia), and a Discord platform for regular exchanges and interaction.
In 2024, VII Community will offer additional activities such as a one-to-one advisory program and portfolio reviews.
VII Community is dedicated to all VII Academy and Foundry Photojournalism Workshop alumni. If you attended one or more of our courses or workshops, you are automatically part of the VII Community.
If you did not receive an invitation to the VII Community and think you are eligible to join, please contact us at [email protected] with your full name and the name of the course you attended.
You can become an alumnus by attending a course at VII Academy or participating in the Foundry Photojournalism workshop. For more information on our courses and how to apply, visit VII Academy website.
For general inquiries please contact, [email protected]
Alumni who are having login issues or would like to know more about VII Community can contact Nika Perne, VII Community Manager.
For information about the courses, programs, and scholarships for students and alumni, please visit VII Academy.