Millennium Villages Project (2015)

Danny Wilcox Frazier/VII


The Millennium Villages Project explored the UN Millennium Project initiated and run by Jeff Sachs and the Earth Institute at Columbia University to embrace the Millennium Development goals and lift failing villages and hunger hotspots across Africa to reach sustainability. VII contributing photographers reported on the five-year progress of the African villages within the program. The MVP photographs, video, and reporting were then published as a book by The VII Foundation.

With a principal view to educating and informing, The VII Foundation also curated a traveling exhibition to engage students across the United States. The multimedia exhibition was unusual in that the foundation bought and converted a US school bus that then traveled to prearranged school locations throughout the United States for interactive classroom lessons.  

The traveling exhibit was part of an educational curriculum designed by our partnership with Generation Human Rights that teachers used for social studies programming. To date, over 15,000 students have interacted with the project. The exhibition was also seen in printed form at the United Nations in New York. 

Raoda Mahamat (N’Djamena).

Flooding in Saint-Louis, Senegal.

Boys playing on dunes outside of Gabar, Senegal. 

Zara Hassan, who saw three of her children going through malnutrition phases. Leaving her house, Zara picks up two 30-liter yellow jerrycans, which she ties on her donkey, heading to the nearest wadi, the only water source in the village, about one kilometers away.

Mamadou Diop (center) and his family harvest onions on Diop’s farm near Potou, Senegal. The farm was one of the pilot sites at the beginning of the Millennium Villages Project.

SENEGAL - “The Will to do More” 


Farm fields in the dry zone near Leona, Senegal.

Madame Kasse, a midwife, with a newborn at the health clinic in Leona, Senegal.

Community health worker Penda Ba visits a family in Leona, Senegal.

Hawa Choukou Abakar, 50, is the Vice-President of the Kommoleh Group and has been fishing for 30 years. She is a recognized fisherman not only in Koudouboul but in all the nearby villages.

RWANDA - “Breaking the Poverty Trap” 


RWANDA - “We are the Bosses”


Girls in the village of Yakoua, Chad after a community awareness session with Youssouf Mbodou Mbami, the chief of the Canton of Bol.

A mother nursing her baby outside of Zeneba Abakar house in Tagal village, Chad.

Mamadou Diop and one of his sons work fields at Diop’s second farm in the Potou region of Senegal.

The dry zone near Leona, Senegal.

Father and son on the way to Tagal village from Bol, Lake Chad.

GHANA - “All Fronts Forward” 


Zara Hassan with her five children. Zara saw three of her children go through phases of malnutrition. 

Community health worker Seynabou Ndiaye visits families in Leona, Senegal.

ETHIOPIA - “Together”


Friendship Hospital’s therapeutic nutrition unit (TNU), supported by the NGO Alima and its local partner, Alerte Santé (Heath Alert), sees hundreds of severely malnourished children daily in Chad’s capital city, N’Djamena.

Streets of Mao, Chad.

Streets of Mao, Chad at sunset.