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New technologies for visual journalism in the metaverse

May 17, 2022
10:00–11:15AM EDT

The media landscape is rapidly changing and new technologies for visual journalism and storytelling are proliferating. Whether it is 360 video, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, or Augmented Reality, contemporary visual storytelling is in a period of experimentation as people prepare for the next iteration of the web, especially what is called Web 3.0 and the metaverse.

Our guide through this novel terrain is DJ Clark, a world-renowned multimedia journalist and researcher. Winner of the 2020 World Press Photo Interactive of the Year for his “Battleground PolyU” project, DJ Clark developed a new workflow for his team reporting on the Hong Kong protests that combined 360 video, digital mirrorless cameras, and smartphones.

In this event, DJ Clark will show and discuss how “Battleground PolyU” was produced, and then detail the new technologies he thinks will rise to prominence in 21st-century visual journalism.