featuring Tomas Van Houtryve
April 3 – August 30, 2015
Drents Museum
The Netherlands
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), or North Korea, has been called the Hermit Kingdom, as it is one of the most reclusive states in the world. North Korea’s citizens are not allowed to travel abroad, there is no Internet connection to the outside world, and the flow of information is almost completely controlled by the government.
This exhibition is divided into two main sections: one showing the government’s official version of North Korea, while the other offers the alternative view of the country. Government propaganda images and images made by tourists on state-controlled tours will offer an official view. These will be juxtaposed with an uncensored stream of images coming out of the country, including photographs produced by foreign photographers inside North Korea Tomas van Houtryve and David Guttenfelder. North Korean Perspectives is organized by Europe-based independent curator Marc Prüst.