The VII Foundation online events are made possible by our partnership with PhotoWings.

Photo Stories from the Square Mile Initiative

This series showcases recent work from members of VII Community, in partnership with PhotoWings.

Every few months, VII Insider invites photographers from VII Community to present their stories. In this episode, we look at three photographers whose work is featured in “Square Mile” at the Photoville Festival.

VII Community provides ongoing education and support to a network of VII Academy alumni and Foundry Photojournalism Workshop participants. VII Community is a program of The VII Foundation in partnership with PhotoWings.

Square Mile is an initiative that presents diverse photographic explorations by members of VII Community. It is a geographic framework, signifying a local focus on spaces where personal, local, and global influences intersect. The projects explore how themes such as climate change, identity, history, legacy, migration, gender, and environment appear within a local perspective.

We are delighted to be joined by Peruvian photographer Alejandra Orosco, who presents her project “ Only Memories Do Not Drown”, highlighting the 1978 story of El Peñol, a town whose residents were compelled to relocate because of a hydroelectric project that would eventually supply 30% of Colombia’s population with energy.

Doug Barrett is an American photographer who will discuss his series “Riley’s Cancel Journey.” Seven-year-old Riley Simmons faced WilmsTumor, a rare form of kidney cancer. Doug documented the emotions that Riley and her family experienced as they began their courageous battle for survival.

Nepalese photographer Uma Bista showcases “ Stay Home, Sisters,” a personal project that addresses taboos surrounding menstruation. During ‘Chhaupadi,’ each month, women in Western Nepal are subjected to a ritual of isolation. Deemed impure, they are forced to stay in cowsheds.

The event is moderated by VII contributing photographer Espen Rasmussen.

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