Ten new trailblazing photojournalists join VII Photo
The VII Foundation announces the addition of ten visual journalists to its roster of contributing photographers at VII Photo
VII Photo has recently transitioned into a pivotal role within The VII Foundation‘s non-profit ecosystem, aligning its vision with the commitment to ensure that decision-makers and citizens are equipped with the truth — that is, the facts — required to make thoughtful decisions that advance humanity in a positively sustainable manner. Its legacy is one of courageous, impactful, and dynamic photojournalism.
The new contributing photographers comprise a combination of young talents elevated from the foundation’s educational programs, including the VII Mentor Program, and leading figures in the industry who have already created significant and pivotal bodies of work. They join a team of authors, educators, and scholars who understand the importance of rigorous journalism and the imperative to engage and mentor a new generation of storytellers equipped to push back against the purveyors of misinformation and artifice.
Education is at the heart of The VII Foundation’s mission to advance uncompromising fact-based storytelling. These photographers will increase our capacity to teach and mentor in multiple languages and train young photojournalists worldwide in the essentials of reporting.
As highly active working photojournalists, they will provide the foundation’s partners with an even broader range of talent that includes working in conflict regions and behind closed borders to fulfill long-term agreements for project-based assignments. Their work will be included in The VII Foundation’s substantial cultural programs and critical initiatives with partner organizations like UNICEF and The Global Fund.
The VII Foundation is excited to welcome the following new trailblazing documentarians to VII Photo:
Leonardo Carrato, Brazil. Currently based in Brazil.
Rena Effendi, Azerbaijan. Currently based in Turkey.
Mary Gelman, Russia / Armenia. Currently based in Russia.
Brenda Ann Kenneally, USA. Currently based in the USA.
M’hammed Kilito, Canada / Morocco. Currently based in Morocco.
Pascal Maitre, France. Currently based in France.
Finbarr O’Reilly, Ireland. Currently based in Spain.
Nicole Tung, Hong Kong / USA. Currently based in Turkey.
Adriana Zehbrauskas, Brazil / USA. Currently based in the USA.
Anonymous/ Anonymous(*)
(*)Anonymity is for security reasons, as the photographer concerned lives in a country where journalists are routinely killed and incarcerated.
The ten new additions join the 28 current contributing photographers at VII Photo:
Ali Arkady, Iraq; Anush Babajanyan, Armenia; Jocelyn Bain Hogg, UK; Philip Blenkinsop, UK/Australia; Eric Bouvet, France; Stefano De Luigi, Italy; Linda Bournane Engelberth, Norway/Algeria; Danny Wilcox Frazier, USA; Ziyah Gafić, Bosnia; Ashley Gilbertson, Australia; Ron Haviv, USA; Ed Kashi, USA; Gary Knight, UK/USA; Joachim Ladefoged, Denmark; Paul Lowe, UK; Christopher Morris, USA; Seamus Murphy, Eire; Maciek Nabrdalik, Poland; Ilvy Njiokiktjien, Netherlands; Franco Pagetti, Italy; Espen Rasmussen, Norway; Daniel Schwartz, Switzerland; John Stanmeyer, USA; Maggie Steber, USA; Nichole Sobecki, USA; Sara Terry, USA; Tomas van Houtryve, Belgium/USA; The Estate of Alexandra Boulat; France.